Duck Creek picnic Races, Fort Courage Fishing Comp, and more
Good morning all,
Things are starting to happen all round the outback. And unfortunately for the stock, fine weather is the outlook.
Next Saturday, if you’re around the Nyngan area, there’s the Duck Creek picnic Races, big annual event. But then if you are out further, then be sure to make White Cliffs for their Annual Underground Art Festival, that’s next Friday to Sunday. You better stick round that area then because the Milparinka Gymkhana is happening the next weekend, the 14th. only one day but great people and events.
Of course if you’re that far up into our back country, why not go on to Cameron’s Corner, have a yarn to Fen and relax in any one of 3 states!
The other fun you can have on that weekend, (14/15th) is the Fort Courage Fishing Comp. at Wentworth on the Saturday, Celtic Music in the Wentworth Hall Saturday arvo, (something for the wife!), 2 course meal that night, and “Reel it in “ fishing Comp. on the Sunday. If there’s any fish left in the river!
Would you believe, if you can’t get to any of those, then toodle along to Broken Hill for the Community Markets 14th. and Penrose Park Picnic Train on the 15th.
Meanwhile, up at Bourke, Hully kicks off his “Poetry on a Plate” this week and goes on till the cows come home.
Further down the track, drop in to Pooncarie on Saturday the 28th. if you’re nearby for their Annual Gun Shoot. Big day at Pooncarie always. Then on to Nyngan for their annual “Ag Expo.” it’s on the next weekend the 4th. August, and you are well placed then to be part of the Louth Races on the 11th. August. One of the outback’s iconic events.
I know you can’t possibly get to them all, but I hope you have fun trying. If you pass through our little township here at Wilcannia, be sure to stop. Try either of our 2 caravan parks, either of the 2 motels. We have the best coffee within cooee, and of course not to mention our very own Chinese chef Richard, at the Golf club.
Till next time, You all take care. Oh and by the way, you better print this off twice. One for next week I may miss a week! Cheers Bill Elliott. WCTA.
“Be grateful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never ever have enough.”