Christmas, thankyous and the new year
Hello everyone,
And so we close down for what I feel was a big step forward for Tourism in this part of the state. This will be my last “waffle on”, or whatever for the year and I really hope that my little contribution has helped a few, and maybe even given someone a laugh.
We did go to the opening of the Ivanhoe Pub Friday. Caught up with some lovely people we know, and were well and truly looked after by Scott and Cas. Great night. Up to Cobar Saturday morning for what I can only describe as an enormous, heart wrenching, and beautiful funeral. What more can I say.
I am thinking of starting my little email sometime in February, I’m open to suggestion there. I hope to cover a few more towns next year, and to have a better method of gathering events.
To everyone that has sent me snippets, events and gratitude over the year, thank you all so very much. It would not have worked without you all.
To Steve, who has posted it on the website each week, another big thanks. And of course, to my fantastic Secretary Fiona, who has done all the Facebook and all that “technical stuff” and got me through when I was away, thanks heaps Fe.
I hope all you people in what we affectionately call “the inside country” have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. I hope everyone in what we call “The West” have a VERY wet Christmas, and that all you great people in “the Corner Country” have just as wet a one.
To our Radio Stations that have looked after us so well, 2WEB Bourke, Wilcannia River Radio, ABC Western Plains, and our local fabulous ABC Broken Hill. A very sincere thanks guys, you’ve done well.
I hope I have looked after the Farmstays, towns, and particularly “The Grey Nomads”, the travellers, and all whom we out here so heavily depend on.
We’ll do it again next year, better than ever, and I look forward to again being one little cog in a fantastic “gearbox”.
Have a great festive season, if you have to check a pump on Christmas day, ---take a tinnie with you. Till next year, warm regards, Bill Elliott WCTA.
“Christmas is a baby shower that went totally overboard.”
“Why is Christmas like a day in the office? ‘cause you do all the work, and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.”
“If you mistakenly wrap a present in birthday paper you can always write on it, “to Jesus.”