Advice for parents about computer games
On 1 January 2013, new law about computer games commenced.
The new law places obligations on anyone selling, advertising or demonstrating R 18+ computer games, as well as parents/guardians and young people aged 15-17 years. There are significant financial penalties for breach of these laws.
A “minor” in this article means a person under 18 years of age.
As at the date of this article, every $110 is equal to one penalty unit.
New offences for R 18+ computer games
Under the NSW Classification Act, it is an offence:
1. for a person to sell or deliver to a minor a computer game classified R 18+ (or an unclassified computer game that would, if classified, be classified R 18+), unless the person is a parent or guardian of the minor. Maximum penalty: $11,000 for an individual. $22,000 penalty units for a corporation (section 30(1A)). Note: defences available.