Nyngan Market Day, Ivanhoe Annual Camp Draft, Muswellbrook Race Meeting

Back home again and trying to catch up. You may remember 2 weeks ago, a charity concert in Nyngan to get a little boy to America for heart surgery. Well the concert was a great success and helped towards the $200,000- raised, the operation was last Friday and all went well. They hope to have him home soon and no doubt a relief to all including Frank and Lyn.

White Cliffs Music Festival nearing an end today and a great success Honor tells me, well done White Cliffs. Wendy in Ivanhoe has improved her Servo and Van Park yet again so drop in for a look. And while on Ivanhoe, all roads lead there next week end for the Annual Camp Draft. If you have travellers looking for somewhere to go, then Ivanhoe is the spot next weekend.

For travellers going much further afield, then they would enjoy the Race Meeting at Muswellbrook next weekend.

That then brings us only a stone’s throw from the Annual Wilcannia Field and Fun Day, Sunday June 8th. Driver Reviver will also be operating that weekend here as of course it’s the Long week end. On the long weekend (Saturday 7th.) is also a Community Market day at Davidson Park in Nyngan. Ideal for travellers to pick up that “do-dar” you need!

That wraps it up for now, please let me know if you have something on, specially the long weekend, till next week, cheers Bill Elliott. WCTA.

“A COMMITTEE, a group of the unfit, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unnecessary.”